Interactive Tech for Events

We live in a touchscreen world. As smartphones and tablets have come to dominate the consumer device markets, the way we interact with digital technology has changed. The mouse and keyboard is being overtaken, the click and drag replaced with the tap and swipe.

The emergence of the touchscreen as a leading user interface technology has also revolutionised the potential of digital signage. Instead of screens offering a passive means of displaying advertisements, marketing messages and promotional videos, touchscreens create the opportunity for interactive customer experiences that lead to more active engagement.

One survey on the use of digital signage conducted in Spain gives a fascinating insight into what it is about touchscreens that people enjoy. 88% of respondents said they felt it gave brands a modern image, 87% enjoyed the creative content and 71% said it helped them remember content for longer.

If people enjoy using touchscreens, and they get more from active participation, it makes sense that they should lead to better brand engagement. Here are three things brands can do with touchscreen signage to really make a lasting impression on customers.

Gamify marketing content

It is widely recognised that the modern consumer is becoming increasingly wary of and immune to direct marketing messages. But may people, especially the younger generations, cannot resist a computer game. So take your marketing objectives and realise them through quizzes, puzzles and games that customers can play while in store. Not only do you add a touch of fun to the experience, you help to extend dwell times by giving people a reason to stay in store for longer.

Collect customer data

Another benefit of content like quizzes and surveys is that you can gather valuable customer data voluntarily. If you package your customer surveys in a light touch, fun and unobtrusive way, especially if it is linked to benefits like loyalty schemes and discounts, people will be willing to give you all the personal information you need to shape long-lasting personal relationships. You can also prioritise customer feedback so you can always keep a handle on what people think about the experience you have created, and show you value their input.

Even without formal surveys, customer touchscreens can be a valuable source of data about customer behaviour. Much as you can with online content, a digital catalogue or information resources allow you to see which products, services and content is getting the most hits on your touchscreens. This can be cross referenced against sales data to see the impact different resources are having on conversions, highlighting what works best and what needs some revision.

Empower customer discovery

Modern consumers are increasingly independent. Their familiarity with online shopping means they are used to helping themselves when it comes to researching and choosing their purchases, and they want the same in store. Instead of having to ask a sales assistant for product or stock information, touchscreen consoles can be used as self-service kiosks for customers to look up details themselves. They can also be used to extend ordering and purchasing options, for example ‘click and collect’ if customers want to pick up a purchase at another time, or even arranging home delivery from in store.


Touchscreen Rentals